Posted in 2018
Office hours
- 2018-12-23
A few co-workers have started offering office hours, seemingly spurred on by a post by Robert Heaton. I’m going to try this a little closer to Robert’s original idea, and make this offer to strangers too1.
![Appointment icon [from Adwaita icons]](../_images/appointment-new.png)
Advent of Code 2018
- 2018-12-15
I’ve given up on AoC for this year, so we’ll have a ten day early retrospective. I’m writing this as a journal entry, more for myself than others. You’ve been warned!

Giddy new project love
- 2018-12-04
I’ve recently inherited a new tier-one project, which is great news! Sadly, it is in real need of some Tender Loving Care™. Was there ever an inherited project that wasn’t?

while $sun; do make hay; done
- 2018-11-23
This is a massive brain dump, which I plan to rewrite in to a series at some point. However, until that imaginary date arrives…

Visualising the progress of time
- 2018-11-13
A co-worker was demoing a user session today, and pointed out a neat tool for MacOS that displays the “continual march toward death”. That tool was Progress Bar OSX, and it is pretty cool. Sadly it is only available for MacOS, so we’ll need to make something similar.

Evil Emacs steals my heart
- 2018-11-05
Many of my co-workers use emacs, it is probably the most popular editor on our team and I understand why.

File renaming for the lazy
- 2018-10-26
Over at HN in a stolen topic:
however, i miss one feature for which i’d use a filemanager: in-place file renaming. in most cases when i want to rename a file, i want to change a small part of it, and i don’t want to have to retype the whole filename.

Advent of Code 2017
- 2018-10-19
A very evil friend pointed me to Advent of Code last December, and I burnt a fair chunk of time on it. I mean… yeah, it was hugely fun but be warned it is enormously addictive1.

Tiling vs tabbing
- 2018-10-08
A fairly large chunk of my developer friends fawn over tmux and tabbed. These tools can give the effect of a multiple window interface to your terminal sessions, or apply a tabbed interface to any xembed supporting application respectively. I’ll freely admit they’re pretty awesome at what they do1.

Vim with day/night colourschemes
- 2018-09-15
The fabulous Miss Biddulph asks via our EADS Linux list:
I lurve taqua in vim during the day, but now the days are getting shorter it is beginning to destroy me. Is there a way to make vim use different colourschemes depending on time?
brexit through the gift shop
- 2018-06-08
This is a public letter to my co-workers, which probably shouldn’t be public.
Ugh, why no comments???
- 2018-01-24
Many moons ago, when my blog was hosted elsewhere I built a comment system for it. Comments came in, I learnt things, I was corrected when wrong. Times were good.
Jury of your pear-shaped objects
- 2018-01-23
On the inquest it was shown that Buck Fanshaw, in the delirium of a wasting typhoid fever, had taken arsenic, shot himself through the body, cut his throat, and jumped out of a four-story window and broken his neck–and after due deliberation, the jury, sad and tearful, but with intelligence unblinded by its sorrow, brought in a verdict of death “by the visitation of God.” What could the world do without juries?”