Posted in 2014
fossil experiments
- 2014-11-12
For a variety of reasons we can no longer use GitHub at work for any project which isn’t Open Source. And since that decision was thrust upon us we’ve been playing with some alternatives for our workflow. We’ll probably end up choosing one of the self hosted clones at some point, but it was decided early on that we should evaluate a variety of options.
Cleanse thy soul
- 2014-09-18
For the past few years I’ve taken to having routine breaks from certain timesinks to help me focus and also to denoise some of my thoughts. The number one timesink in my world is without doubt the interwebs, and there are a few steps I’ve taken to weaken its stranglehold.
Open Source and enjoyment
- 2014-09-03
A few years ago I burned out on Open Source projects, to the point that it was close to impacting other parts of my life. I have only myself to blame as I didn’t manage to distance myself at all well. Distancing yourself is not easy to do when your fun hobby for relaxation is the thing that is working against you.
jnrowe-misc - The unsorted package overlay
- 2014-06-30
A collection of ebuild
files with no overall theme.
Project postmortems
- 2014-06-30
One of my favourite things about the day job is the post-project analysis and postmortems, which we lovingly refer to as probits internally.
Dropping Gentoo reflex
- 2014-06-29
After hitting the publish button on Dropping Gentoo a few friends commented that I was either unnecessarily harsh about Gentoo or we wasted an enormous amount of time on it. It definitely was the former, and I feel a touch ashamed for implying the latter.
Dropping Gentoo
- 2014-06-18
We’ve been using Gentoo for shipped products since June 2005, and as a development platform since September 2004. A long time, an incredibly long time in fact.
Delayed flashover
- 2014-04-09
This weekend a very good friend of mine is taking part in the London Marathon, and we’re all looking forward to the no-doubt incredible time she’ll finish in.
Hitting life’s reset button
- 2014-02-24
Seven months ago while enjoying a little Saturday afternoon cricket picnic, a friend posed the question:
Return to rambling
- 2014-01-27
I kept a public journal from about 2003 until 2009, with a new entry about every three days. I enjoyed the act of writing it greatly, and often looked forward to the period of contemplation it would create. However, eventually I found I had to kill it, but not because of waning enthusiasm as is so often the case.
Dopplr defects
- 2014-01-06
Dopplr was a free social networking service, launched in 2007, that allowed users to create itineraries of their travel plans and spot correlations with their contacts’ travel plans in order to arrange meetings at any point on their journey.