Posts tagged linux
Visualising the progress of time
- 2018-11-13
A co-worker was demoing a user session today, and pointed out a neat tool for MacOS that displays the “continual march toward death”. That tool was Progress Bar OSX, and it is pretty cool. Sadly it is only available for MacOS, so we’ll need to make something similar.

Dropping Gentoo reflex
- 2014-06-29
After hitting the publish button on Dropping Gentoo a few friends commented that I was either unnecessarily harsh about Gentoo or we wasted an enormous amount of time on it. It definitely was the former, and I feel a touch ashamed for implying the latter.
Dropping Gentoo
- 2014-06-18
We’ve been using Gentoo for shipped products since June 2005, and as a development platform since September 2004. A long time, an incredibly long time in fact.
Three mobile broadband in Linux
- 2009-10-14
Steve Lowry is picking up his Three modem this afternoon and asks on our internal Linux list if it supports Linux.