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GPS rollover 2019¶
Tomorrow we’re going to experience the simultaneously cataclysmic and mundane consequences of a GPS rollover event. Many things will break, many will continue to work and many will just take a step closer to breaking… the fun of date handling never ends.

This is an informal piece, not an official support channel. If you use hardware I’m involved in building then contact your support channel, they are there to help.
What is the issue?¶
Since 1981 GPS signals have included a week number, which is provided as a 10-bit field and as such can only store 1024 values(around 19.5 years). Every time we hit that limit the week number rolls back to zero, and things may fail to work correctly following that.
This is the second operational rollover event, the first happened in August 1999. We — that is developers of GNSS-using systems — are prepared for this, but the level of preparedness is unfortunately not uniform or indicative of how well we’re handling this.
As this problem is quite well understood there has been an awful lot of effort put in to working around it, some quite simple and some quite interesting.
Stored offset¶
The gold standard is systems that could afford the addition of NVRAM. If we have a storage medium then the previous known week number is often used as a check against rollover. If we know an initial epoch number from manufacturing date, and can see the changeover at some point than you shouldn’t experience errors from a rollover.
The obvious drawback being if a system is dormant for twenty years, but that isn’t likely to be a real problem.
Week number offset¶
One of the most common mechanisms for dealing with rollover has been to bind it to the firmware running on the device. You simply assume the week number is relative to a value given in the firmware. For example, if we have firmware from 2010 we can:
Assume we’re not running in 1999 via a time machine
Know we can’t see week numbers prior to our 2010 release date
Accept the given week number as valid through to 1023
After rollover treat week number 0 through 540 as being an offset past 1023
This is a reasonable solution in many circumstances, and one that exists in many products in the field. It also hints at part of the problem with this method, and that is that a significant number of systems that will present problems at various stages of their lives. In the above example our system should work through the epoch change in 2019, but will likely fail in August 2029 without intervention as we’ll trip over our workaround with our own rollover bug causing it to reset to 2010.
GNSS voting comparisons¶
Many modern receivers support multiple signals; GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, &c. Given this we can use consensus building to validate information. If one of the inputs is providing time data that is years away from the others you can simply exclude it.
Often systems may have alternative time sources available such as a regular low quality RTC, these can also be used as a hint towards consensus building too.
Leap second heuristic¶
GPS time is not corrected for leap seconds and as such increasingly drifts from UTC over the years. However, the current offset from UTC is transmitted, and it can be used as an heuristic to configure the device from.
For example, when the first epoch ended in 1999 there was a 13 second offset against UTC. The switch to the third epoch happens with an 18 second offset. Keying the epoch number off of the leap second offset should be a reasonable way to handle rollover1.
Forthcoming leap second adjustments are also published, so we can know both the current offset and the maximum date given that future dates must be in the future.
Leap second information is only published within GPS almanac, and is not available immediately following a cold boot of a device. Depending on circumstances the 12 minute wait to acquire the almanac data may not be an issue.
What should I do?¶
First check with your system’s supplier, they should have information on what mitigations they have in place and what effects you should see now or at other times in the future.
The next step should be to ignore what they told you and run a signal simulator to figure out what is actually happening. Date handling bugs happen in so many layers you should have a testing procedure in place regardless of your trust in a supplier2.
Fully read the documentation for simulators and receivers as many devices require a deep reset to make use of a simulated signal. The P3200 sitting on my desk requires a hardware switch to be toggled before it will do anything beyond report “spoofing detected” if it receives unexpected signals, with the exception of a TOFU event following a deep reset.
Should I set an alarm for November 2038?¶
Yes and no.
The next rollover will occur in 2038, but new message types that use a 13-bit week number field are available and increasingly being used. This enhancement changes the cycle to nearly 157 years, so we can naïvely hope this shouldn’t be an issue again.
However, there will be systems that are still in the field that were developed prior to the upgrade and there will be systems that were designed later that still use the old 10-bit field for their week data.
Like I said in the previous section make sure you’re testing these things as they’ll catch you out at some point. Maybe even in fun ways such as exciting interactions between the fourth GPS epoch and the other 2038 problem in January of that same year.
- 1
We’re assuming the earth doesn’t suddenly speed up enough that we need to start issuing negative leap seconds.
- 2
I’m absolutely including products worked on by myself and my co-workers(forgive me!) in this. People make mistakes, systems fail and skies may fall; having a good testing infrastructure is a must.
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