2017-12-06T18:00:34+00:00 #POSSE my #mastodon interactions (https://indieweb.org/POSSE) 2017-12-06T18:00:49+00:00 @ Thanks for the nudge, couple of minutes in to a solution now. 2017-12-07T17:40:14+00:00 Just finished my 1º #guile #make extension… TIL none of our CI servers have #make with #guile support, and many devs have pre-GPL3 make. 2017-12-09T05:22:29+00:00 Got myself on the #aoc leaderboard this morning(#91)… now back to sleep as its 5am 😪 http://adventofcode.com/2017/leaderboard/day/9 2018-01-09T20:18:39+00:00 TFW you realise it will be quicker to fix build failures for old emacs version than update your old configuration for new emacs version 2018-01-24T07:32:46+00:00 TIL you can use #typescript to make #gnome shell extensions. Far, far nicer experience AFAIC. 2018-04-26T10:12:53+01:00 Proof you work with strange nerds #0: Your *favourite* co-worker has added “