
bleeter stores its configuration in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bleeter/config.ini [1].

The configuration file is a simple INI format file, The file is processed with the configobj module, the documentation for which will describe some of the advanced features available within the configuration file.

You can specify command line options in the configuration file as defaults, and optionally override them from the command line. To toggle disable options from the command line use their --no- prefixed versions.

An example configuration file is below:

frequency = 600
timeout = 10
stealth = unfolloweduser,stalkeduser
ignore = "#nowplaying"

frequency option

The frequency option allows you to set the update frequency for checking for new tweets. Its value is specified in seconds, and must be higher than 60.

timeout option

The timeout option allows you to specify the default notification timeout, Its value is specified in seconds. Not all notification daemons support setting this value, and some daemons may simply ignore it.

stealth option

The stealth option allows you to specify a list of users you wish to receive tweets from without following, its main purpose is to follow people for limited periods of time without needing to follow and unfollow them.

Consider the use case of attending a conference and wanting to follow your fellow attendees without having to explicitly unfollow them once the conference is over.

ignore option

The ignore option allows you to specify a list of keywords you wish to use as ignore filters for tweets you receive. Keywords can be normal words, @user usernames, #tag hashtags or any other word type.

The default is “#nowplaying” to ignore all the audio player spam that some people like to produce.

The entries should be comma separated, and must be quoted if they contain ‘#’ to match hashtags.

count options

The count option allows you to specify the maximum number of new statuses from your timeline to fetch when updating. Only new tweets are fetched, so specifying large values here only affects initial runs and users who do not run bleeter very often.

By default twitter returns 20 new statuses, and this is also the default setting for bleeter. twitter sets a limit of 200 statuses.

The search_count and list_count options perform the same task for search results and list timelines respectively.

The stealth_count option performs the same task for stealth follows, see stealth option.

lists option

The lists option enables fetching of user’s lists, in addition to the standard behaviour of fetching user’s timeline and mentions.

searches option

The searches option enables fetching of user’s saved searches, in addition to the standard behaviour of fetching user’s timeline and mentions.

[1]The default value for ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} is system dependent, but likely to be ~/.config if you haven’t set it. For more information see XDG base directory specification.

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